Saturday, July 25, 2009

On the road again! Quebec City, July 24 2009

It’s really happening! I’m back on the road and ready to go.
As those of you who followed my blog in June ( will remember, I had to scale back my original plan to ride coast to coast due to changed work commitments, and instead I did a tour of southwestern BC. That ride was a great experience that taught me a lot about myself, my capabilities and about bicycle touring. One of the great things that happened during that ride was that Valerie and I met Pete and Ryan, two guys from Hudson, Ohio who were on their own Trans Canada journey. Since that time we have kept in touch with them and have followed their fascinating blog (
We have enjoyed their journey vicariously, and I have kept alive the hope that I might be able to pick up their trail and ride with them again. Well, I’m excited to tell you that The opportunity has arrived. A week ago, I decided that things had stabilized on the business front, and that I would be able to free up time to continue my quest. Pete and Ryan are now in Quebec, and after some serious and intensive planning we realized that it would just be possible for me to fly to Quebec City in time tor rendezvous with them. A week is not a lot of time to put together a trip like this, but Valerie convinced me that I could make it happen with her help. Actually “help” doesn’t say it at all, she organized my flight, shipped my bike by air cargo, put together my supplies and kept me focused while I tried to get my affairs in order in the office.
So this morning I found myself, slightly dazed, on a flight to Quebec City and things were on track. Almost. I had a call yesterday to say that my bike had arrived safely in QC. But I had to pick it up by 7 pm, and the depot would then be closed until Monday. And my flight into QC arrived at 6:20. Not much margin. And I missed my connection in Toronto – all flights oversold due to an impending passenger rail strike. Valerie to the rescue again, on the phone to Jean-Pierre in QC Air Cargo, who, it turns out is an avid biker, and he offered to hand-carry the bike to the passenger baggage area so that I could retrieve it. Problem solved. If my luggage had made it to QC, it would have been a home run!
I made it to the hotel at about 8:30, and there was Pete with a cold beer for me. Great to see him, last time was in Penticton BC 6 weeks and god knows how many kilometers ago. Pete did 120 miles today, just to meet me. He has weathered the ride amazingly well, lean and fit and sunburned. Unfortunately Ryan isn’t here yet; he had a tough day yesterday and didn’t make it to their meeting-place in Berthierville. We have heard from him, and he’s OK but he is going to take it easy, and probably won’t catch up until Sunday. So we will spend the weekend assembling my bike, doing some sightseeing and preparing for the road ahead.
Update - saturday morning: Just heard from Air Canada that my baggage has ben located, and it will be delivered this morning. So I can stop biting my nails, get my bike on the road and get in some sight-seeing in old Quebec. A Bientot, mes amis.


  1. Good Morning Barney and congratulations on resuming your journey. I can hear the enthusiasum in your writing. It sounds like the pieces are falling into place for you, despite a few adrenalin rushes due to oversales and missing bags. I look forward to traveling along with you from the comforts of home.
    love Billie

  2. What was I going to do with the ending of the Tour de France, Sunday? Now I know. I'll follow Barney again. Allez! Allez! Allez!

  3. Hi Barney, good to see that you are on the road again. I thought I had missed a large part of your trip, when I saw that you were in QC.I love following your blog. It's like getting a history lesson.. so I will sit back and enjoy your ride... save trip Eileen.

  4. Great news Barney!! Looking forward to keeping up with you on your blog. Have a safe journey.
