Friday, August 14, 2009

Antigonish - update

Bit of a disappointing evening. Finished blogging in the campground, assisted by a six-pack of the local hoppy pop, then headed out to hit the high spots. First pub we tried was dead as a dodo, nobody there, nothing going on, so we headed out and asked each of the locals we met for a recommendation. After three or four tries, we met a group having some kind of party in the subway parking lot, and the told us that there is a tractor-pull going on just outside of town, and the whole population of Antigonish is over there. Guess we p0icked the wrong night.
Anyhow, we ended up at the A&W, where they were having a two-for-one on Mama-Burgers. Pete had four of them. I was more moderate. Then we hit the local 7-11 equivalent (called "Needs" here and "Couche-tard" in Quebec) where I stocked up on Beef Jerky and trail mix for the Cabot Trail.
And so to bed...

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