Monday, August 3, 2009

Gasping in Gaspe

Gaspe August 3
Day off
Check Pete's blog at
Seven straight days on the road, and we're all ready for a day off. Pet was really in the bag with yesterday's climing. I think he hasn't yet fully recovered from his Marathon days before we met up in Quebec City; 100 plus mile days, constant power climbing and a semi-load of gear behind must take its toll. Ryan's not quite so vocal, but I'm sure he is tired too.
Somehow the climbing of the last two days hasn't really affected me in the sam, e way. Sure I was panting like a steam engine on the long steep ascents, but after topping out my pulse-rate would quickly stabilize, and after the screaming drop into the next valley I would be ready for the next one. I am definitely climbing much stronger than I did on my BC trip, I think that the weeks of recovery time between my two tours really consolidate the gains I made physically on the first one. I don't know how I would be faring at this point if I had done the whole coast to coast as originally planned, but I'm certain that I would be suffering more by now.
My bike and equipment are working well. My gearing is higher that the mountain-bike ranges that Pete and Ryan use, but this is balanced out by the extra weight they are hauling. Only problem I have been having is dropping my chain whenshiting into granny-gear, there is too much space between the small and middle ring, and my narrow 10-speed chain will wedge itself into the space between if I'm not really careful (and sometimes when I am). This can result in some engaging colour-comentary. Unfortunately, I had some miscommunication with the bike shop in Vancouver before I left. I had planned on replacing my drive train, but that didn't happen, and by the time I realized that had packed the bike for shipping and it was too late to do anything. My concern now is that the constant jamming could end with a broken chain. Although I carry a spare, putting a new chain onto my worn cogs could cause problems, so I would really liketo replace the whole thing. Just keeping my fingers crossed that it all holds together until I can find a decent bike-shop.
Yesterday I came up behind Ryan on a long grinding climb - the combination of my higher gearing and lighter weight was giving me a slight speed edge. It's not a race - you have to ride these climbs at the natural speed for your rig and your legs or your efficiency goes to hell. We were doing about 6 km/hour, and my front wheel was level with Ryan's yak trailer when Gilles Villeneuve came out of nowhere behind us and passed with a zig-zag thickness of clearance. I refexively hit the brakes, reducing my speed to less than required to remain upright, and consequently did a full Arte Johnson on to the gravel shoulder - Arte didn't have the benefit of clipless pedals to hold it all together, so I may have beaten him on points. No big deal, just a slo-mo tumble with a scuffed elbow and some damaged handlebar tape, not to mention damaged dignity.
Woke up this morning to pouring rain. We really timed our day off to perfection. We sat and watched a young back-packing couple breaking camp on the residence grounds. They pulled down their tent, stuffed the sopping gear into their packs and paused for a little hug before sloshing off into town.
Ryan had already headed out to Tim Horton's, so Pete and I decided to head out to the local internet cafe for breakfast. At which point I went to put on my goretex rain jacket, which came up missing. Major panic; I was sure I had packed it the day before, and my addled senior's brain couldn't remember unpacking it. Went through all my bags 10 times, checked all the cupboards and coathooks. Nowhere. Fortunately by now the rain had stopped. Last hope; maybe I had worn it last night when we went out to the restaurant. Got it. My favourite jacket is back in the fold.
It's 10:45, still in the internet cafe getting a start on my blog. If we have any adventures today, I'll post an update. The sun has come out now, so who knows what's in store. What do we do on a day off in Gaspe? We're thinking of a bike ride! Just getting a few clicks without gear sounds good.
Keep the comments coming, and sign up as followers. I would love to hear from my friends.
A la prochaine, Barney

1 comment:

  1. Love your commentary dad! I'm reading your blog at work its 3am and my department is cheering you along!
    xxxooo Farrah
